Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Visitacion, probably the most percent of my memories goes back to this neighborhood. Also attending Visitacion Valley Elementary gave me unforgettable moments, even though I started school at Bret Harte, got transferred to this school right here because it was close to where I lived on Desmond street in between of Visitacion and Sunnydale. Me and family had stayed downstairs of an Italian family who we rented off of. Then had to leave and rented an apartment and eventually bought a house. Live a few blocks away but still feels so far. Long story turned short. I remember playing on our so called kickball team in elementary, haha don't consider it as a team cause all we played were Eldorado. We even had cheerleaders, wth haha! Kickball was fun back in the days man, wasup with it now though? who's down to play some kickball? haha. Plus putting a lot of effort staying after school on creating designs and painting our school walls. Also learning how to play instruments; I learned to play the flute, but forgot now, haha. Also visited Eldorado now and then watching some musical performances. Man, who was in that dance performance that we did at Yerba Buena though? Like the most embarrassing thing that came to my mind in my past, haha. It was like some horrible interpret dance of us in jellyfishes tight suits. Always played basketball even with the most weakest, broken up courts ever. It was all good though. Rainy days playing with checker boards, connect four, pokemon cards and etc. Elementary was amazing man, wish I can go back to the past for even a few minutes. Like the most easiest thing ever, being a kid. Also those Halloween days walking everywhere like Leland, with a early trick or treating. Going to the Leland Library, browsing for some interesting books. Can you guys also remember the day watching the Geneva towers was taken down? Everyone getting together near Little Vis watching the tower collapse. Also when they closed down McFruggles, this one store that was like a little bootleg version of Walmart. Always went there looking at the toys and stuff, haha. Experienced almost everything in that neighborhood man, even if there was several amount of struggles. Reality is childhood can't last forever in our lives, but it still lives on inside of us. Just passing by that school like every day gives me thoughts about the past.

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