Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Growing Up

Haha, lately been spending a lot of time with my little cousin. She's growing up fast, I can remember when she was at the age of 2/3 when she used to ask a lot of questions. Now she is 5 and know a lot but yet she still ask a lot of questions, haha. I feel happy when I spend time with her because there's no worries and plus she is hilarious. Even though she bugs me a lot, I'm always happy to see her smile. She's like a huge part of my life, the little sister I never had. I also like to see her learn and grow; it's pretty fascinating on how we were all young where we wanted to learn, ask multiple questions, and explore new things but as we grow older, we already know too much for us to have that same motivation.

Well still debating on if I want to play ball tommorow or rest my injured pinky and thumb. Yesterday while playing ball, me and my team felt undefeated. Won 5 games up to 11points each all in less than an hour. Our team was hitting tres and beasting man, feeling unstoppable. Whenever I hoop it up, basketball gets very competitive I guess its because I hate losing at the one thing I feel that I am not a failure to. Yesterday it was very competitive that I got injured and still played while my injury had occured putting more pressure to it. My right thumb got jammed twice and figured out today that I hypher extended my left pinky in the top joint. I can't bend my pinky down fully, and i guess it's gonna be for weeks. Just yesterday it got so swollen that I knew it's f**cked up, haha funny thing about it was I thought it was broken. S**t hurted and I still can move it a little, but it's limited movement. I missed school today and hopped on the 43 to UCSF to see if I can get a check up and figure out if it was broken, but I figured that I can still move my pinky so it isn't that bad. I didn't want to waste about 15$ of co-pay and wait hours just to see a doctor to tell me that it's nothing but a injured pinky and that I just need to rest it up. I mean if the pain was more excessive and annoying, that's a different story. I guess I needa rest it up, but I can't help it, I want to play some ball.

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