Wednesday, April 29, 2009


I was hoping that our CCSF fire drill was finna happen during Monday, Wednesday, or Thursday but it ended up happening yesteday when i had no class either, haha. It's all good though, funniest fire drill ever though, so at the library i was finishing up some work. Chilled with Noel too, caught me off guard and stuff, so once the bell had rang, these girls was walking downstairs and got scared as hell and screamed, haha. So me and Noel was finna head out and there was this exit but had the yellow no crossing sign on em and then this one lady that worked there took it all serious and ripped the band with her head while pushing the door open, making everyone run outta the building and stuff, haha. Funny part about the drill was all the confused faces, haha no one didn't know what was happening. While waiting outside for the evaluation to be over, this dude in a superman outfit was running everywhere like wth, haha dude was tight for that one. I think he is running for the one of the CCSF candidates, fool is a G man, he got my vote haha.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Jeff Goldblum

So Sharks got eliminated yesterday, very disappointing when top seed Sharks had lost in first round against the Ducks. I wanted to see the Sharks take the Stanely Cup too. On yesterdays game, I was hoping they was finna tie it up 3-3 and go game 7 ended up being 4-2. Mothafucking once the game started, Joe Thornton was going at it with Ryan Getzlaf. Joe got that mothafucka with a few hits to the face, unfortunately this hasn't changed the whole outcome of the game cause the Sharks ended up losing. Sharks scored only 1 goal and the Ducks ended up upsetting them by comming up with 4 goals. Where was game 7 at man? What a big upset. Well other than being disappointed about this, I procrastinated on a lot of assignments due this week plus next week and now I have to cram all of this work up because school is almost over and I need to pass my classes. Give me my units, haha. I also missed school yesterday, weak. Summer School is comming up and I'm already enrolled in a math class, thanks to my counselor, but I'm still debating on taking another class; but still don't know what to take. Since my math starts at 10:30 and end at 1, I think I might take a 7:30 class and end at 10 to make it fit all together or a 1:00 class and end at 3, seems like summer might be a little to hectic, but I wanna get some classes done and I'm still looking for a job. Looking for a job is difficult to find, just trying to find a suitable job for me. Haha, well I can't stop thinking about a funny scene in the movie, Pineapple Express came up in my head. Haha, if whoever watched it remember the scene where Seth Rogen was talking about how his girlfriend goes to school with dudes that do really good impressions of Jeff Goldblum and outta no where James Franco has this funny expression on his face while saying "Whaaaa, fuck Jeff Goldblum man", haha I guess it ain't as funny unless you watch that scene.

Sunday, April 26, 2009


So haven't been on this in a while, bored as hell and can't sleep. Just wanted to post what I am thinking about right now. I am thinking that Cavaliers are going to take the whole championship man, haha. LeBron and the Cavs finna sweep Detroit, probably take Heat next if they can advance through the Hawks, then either one of the teams who makes it to the Conference Finals: Bulls vs. Celtics or 76ers vs. Magics, hard to decide, probably thinking on picking Celtics vs. Magics as my picks in second round and Celtics advancing to Conference Finals against Cavs, then Cavs winning the Conference Title. Then facing most likely the Lakers in the finals, but I still have my picks on Blazers or Nuggets to upset the Lakers. But no lie, I want Lakers to get to the finals and feel more defeat losing against the Cavs, haha. Plus it seems like a pretty good game to watch because of the controversy of the best players matchup in the NBA right now, Kobe and LeBron.

Thursday, April 16, 2009


Forget a 3peat make it a 6peat, haha. So today just went to school, and played some ball at city. Ended up 1-1 at city hoops today, won first game lost second. But, after I got outta playing hoops, I ended up playing more ball with Jonathan and Andy at palega to redeem that loss at city, Alex/Cris the hell play some ball with us man. Well, we was like undefeated man, back to back, 6 full court games of 16 by 1's. Tiring as hell though. It wasn't easy winning either, competition at palega was tight, played some familiar cats as usual. For 2 of these games we was playing cats that was way bigger and taller than we was, to tell the truth I thought they was gon run us cause of height, haha. I always hate guarding the big dude too cause I feel like imma get injured but ehh it pushes you even more right? I guess we just out ran them, Jonathan was quick as hell like usual. Fool was hitting fastbreaks, lefty's like it was nothing and Andy was hitting his shots. During those games I liked throwing the ball for a fast break opportunity and the feeling of an assist, haha. This one filipino cat we usually play is raw as hell too, speed and stuff. Tryna step up my hoop game though, going to attempt to play everyday instead of every other day. But my classes are getting packed for summer and fall semesters so that might be hard. Finally seen my counselor like 2 days ago, got my GE's set to do. Just need to figure out my major! So after hooping today, I went to my cousin Bonnie's birthday dinner at Chevy's. I just realized that there are a lot of April Birthdays, just wanna wish all of them April Birthdays a shoutout, you know who you are, haha too lazy to think and write down names of all April Birthdays so yeah. Well getting enormously weary, probably head to sleep now. Late!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Brandon Jennings

This fool right here is raw, haha. Dude is playing overseas right now though, I want to see this cat play in the NBA. Probably play point in the NBA, kind of compare him to Derrick Rose in some ways. I remember watching this fool play at the McDonald's game too. Not sure if he is going to be as raw in the NBA as he was in Oak Hill but who knows, playing overseas finna give him more experience. Throw this cat in the NBA draft next year, haha.


2009 Highligts, LeBron James for MVP enough said.

Plus 2009 Highlights, Derrick Rose for Rookie of The Year.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Visitacion, probably the most percent of my memories goes back to this neighborhood. Also attending Visitacion Valley Elementary gave me unforgettable moments, even though I started school at Bret Harte, got transferred to this school right here because it was close to where I lived on Desmond street in between of Visitacion and Sunnydale. Me and family had stayed downstairs of an Italian family who we rented off of. Then had to leave and rented an apartment and eventually bought a house. Live a few blocks away but still feels so far. Long story turned short. I remember playing on our so called kickball team in elementary, haha don't consider it as a team cause all we played were Eldorado. We even had cheerleaders, wth haha! Kickball was fun back in the days man, wasup with it now though? who's down to play some kickball? haha. Plus putting a lot of effort staying after school on creating designs and painting our school walls. Also learning how to play instruments; I learned to play the flute, but forgot now, haha. Also visited Eldorado now and then watching some musical performances. Man, who was in that dance performance that we did at Yerba Buena though? Like the most embarrassing thing that came to my mind in my past, haha. It was like some horrible interpret dance of us in jellyfishes tight suits. Always played basketball even with the most weakest, broken up courts ever. It was all good though. Rainy days playing with checker boards, connect four, pokemon cards and etc. Elementary was amazing man, wish I can go back to the past for even a few minutes. Like the most easiest thing ever, being a kid. Also those Halloween days walking everywhere like Leland, with a early trick or treating. Going to the Leland Library, browsing for some interesting books. Can you guys also remember the day watching the Geneva towers was taken down? Everyone getting together near Little Vis watching the tower collapse. Also when they closed down McFruggles, this one store that was like a little bootleg version of Walmart. Always went there looking at the toys and stuff, haha. Experienced almost everything in that neighborhood man, even if there was several amount of struggles. Reality is childhood can't last forever in our lives, but it still lives on inside of us. Just passing by that school like every day gives me thoughts about the past.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Infect Truth

Possibly the most clever commercial I have seen lately.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Sunday

So woke up pretty early around 7am, I was suprised because I slept around 2am last night too. Every Sunday I go to church with my family at St. Elizabeth's. Easter Sunday, we went to church at 9:30 like always and man today it was packed with a lot of people. It was so packed when we got there I had to sit alone, haha it's all good though. So church was the same as usual, then visited the cemetary, after church like always. Also celebrating our grandfathers birthday; rip og. A picture of half of my cousins on the left with some of my aunts also, haha. Chilled, spend some family time with everyone, especially when I got a big family. So after the cemetary, headed to my cousin's birthday party on the same day too. It was cool, chilling and everything. I then started to gamble with the adults, and came up with some cash too. Playing Pisoy, or however you spell it. I was getting some good hands man, winning some cash from my aunties and uncles. At the end, I ended up winning only 20$, ehh it's better than nothing, haha. Well a lot of my cousin's from my dad's side had left the party, and we stayed longer. I ended up getting tired and slept in the car for about a hour during the party, haha what else can I do? Snap so after waking up I ended up playing poker/omaha/oscar with my uncles and dad. Unfortunately lost; idk what happened me, my brother and dad was up, catching good hands in the beginning but bad luck came to us in the end. So after that it was already 9pm and its time to go home so we bounced. That's it for tonight man, finna hit this up again tommorow. School tommorow, WEAK! It feels kind of weird too cause spring break threw me off, sheesh. well, LATE!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

No picture, just text

Well no picture for this post today, just some words. A lot of people always ask me why I never respond to their text, simple answer; I don't got text. So let's see, I can't receive nor send text. I will never get to see text that has been sent to me and can't send one out to anyone. Texting seize to exist through my phone, haha but maybe I should get text. But, I do like the fact of hearing others people voices on the phone rather then texting.

Rainy days equals less things to do, but still debating if this statement is true. Sometimes rainy days are better than sunny days, in my opinion. Checked the weather on my phone for the whole week, it's going to rain until Friday! Kind of weak. Still haven't started on the assignments needed to do either, just been watching a lot of films since yesterday. Also downloaded a whole bunch of films to put on my phone to watch them whenever. I also made me a facebook, even when I told myself I wouldn't make me one. I don't intend to use it, but who knows? Friends and Family are starting to add me, haha. It was confusing when I started and all I did was those entertaining quizzes, like for example which marvel hero/villian are you? haha, and most of the quizzes are somewhat dumb, but it was fun to do anyways. To me myspace is similar to facebook, but it seems like more people are on facebook. Well short post for today, Late!

Saturday, April 4, 2009


Looking forward on watching this film right here, even though its part of one of my assignments. This is an oldschool film based on a san francisco detective, all i know of right now got to see it in a few days. The film is from 1958 and kind of excited in watching it; one reason is because i want to see the view of san francisco at this time! I also like old films, just something interesting about them. Well, another post another day, about to head out and get some sleep. Probably not going to blog it up in a few days due to events and papers during spring break. Late.

Monday, March 30, 2009


Haha, so i remembered taking a long ass nap a few days ago around 3pm and woke up around 730pm. Had you ever had that time when you wake up and thought it was the morning, but it really wasn't? Haha, it was a trip to me because it looked like dawn, plus i felt like i was asleep for 10hours at the least. I was also tripping cause my brothers were awake, and it caught my attention even more because i usually wake up way before them. So i figured that it wasn't the next day and checked my phone to make sure i wasn't going psycho. Guess i was just perceived by how the time of day threw me off after i woke up from a nap.

So i got my mail for the summerschool schedule, and web registration appointment. I think i'm going to take 2 classes or maybe only 1. I'm planning on taking math 840 and maybe piano? or photography? Classes are way too long though; math is like 2hours and 30mins everyday! I need to take a summer school class though, and probably try to get me a job cause i need me some cash. Spring break is in 4 days too, finna ball it up and do some catch up work i guess. Unless anyone calls up to kick it or whatever, plus no school tmrw. Well needa step it up a little more after spring break, and finally get to see my counselor after canceling my appointment with her last week. All good though, from a lot of peoples i heard she was a good counselor and she sounded nice when she called me up for canceling that appointment. I'm out, tired off hooping it up all day so going to watch a movie because i get bored every night and can't seem to sleep. Late!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Bye Week's Over!

Picture is pretty blurry, but it's whatever. So fantasy basketball is going by hella fast we already at playoffs. Freaking Alex is killing Herc and Marc is murdering Andy, haha. Matt and Jonathan got eliminate, I was hella tripping cause i thought Jonathan made it to playoffs. I'm hella happy I hitted 2nd seed cause me and Cris gets bye week and skip quarterfinals. It's getting intense and it looks like im going against Alex this week. Fool got a pretty good squad man especially LeBron James, should've gave him up to me bro, haha. Man Troy Murphy is injured, I need him but yet idk how long he is going to be out. Should I drop? Still need to figure out that situation. Well goodluck to the other teams though. Final Four though, been routing on UConn since Sweet Sixteen. They finna take it all, versus UNC in the championship watch. UNC is like a good competition too though, but Marc what happened to Pitts? haha, well im out can't believe that CCSF got school tmrw but none on Tuesday, the hell might as well had made it yesterday than on Tues.

P.S. I just tripped how much birthdays there was in this month, just wanted to shout out some birthday wishes to my moms, grandpa, aunt, pam, nette, alex, melita, marc, and all of em other march birthday peoples everywhere.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Growing Up

Haha, lately been spending a lot of time with my little cousin. She's growing up fast, I can remember when she was at the age of 2/3 when she used to ask a lot of questions. Now she is 5 and know a lot but yet she still ask a lot of questions, haha. I feel happy when I spend time with her because there's no worries and plus she is hilarious. Even though she bugs me a lot, I'm always happy to see her smile. She's like a huge part of my life, the little sister I never had. I also like to see her learn and grow; it's pretty fascinating on how we were all young where we wanted to learn, ask multiple questions, and explore new things but as we grow older, we already know too much for us to have that same motivation.

Well still debating on if I want to play ball tommorow or rest my injured pinky and thumb. Yesterday while playing ball, me and my team felt undefeated. Won 5 games up to 11points each all in less than an hour. Our team was hitting tres and beasting man, feeling unstoppable. Whenever I hoop it up, basketball gets very competitive I guess its because I hate losing at the one thing I feel that I am not a failure to. Yesterday it was very competitive that I got injured and still played while my injury had occured putting more pressure to it. My right thumb got jammed twice and figured out today that I hypher extended my left pinky in the top joint. I can't bend my pinky down fully, and i guess it's gonna be for weeks. Just yesterday it got so swollen that I knew it's f**cked up, haha funny thing about it was I thought it was broken. S**t hurted and I still can move it a little, but it's limited movement. I missed school today and hopped on the 43 to UCSF to see if I can get a check up and figure out if it was broken, but I figured that I can still move my pinky so it isn't that bad. I didn't want to waste about 15$ of co-pay and wait hours just to see a doctor to tell me that it's nothing but a injured pinky and that I just need to rest it up. I mean if the pain was more excessive and annoying, that's a different story. I guess I needa rest it up, but I can't help it, I want to play some ball.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Need a telescope!

So bored as hell, found the time to blog it up. Haha, well a few days ago at night it was dark enough to see the stars. I haven't kicked back and looked at the stars for a long time. It was very dope though, I actually swear i seen the Orion constellation we learned about in Astronomy. Kind of like the picture up there minus a lot of the other stars. It was pretty fascinating to me on how stars are all different. You can compare stars to like people if you want to. I feel like trying to cop me a telescope now just to explore our universe, but San Francisco seems like a hard place to look at he stars because of its atmosphere and how cities are hard to view stars because of all the light we got. Most of the nights it is too dim to view the stars near us. Happy that one less class to go to which is Astronomy class is canceled on Friday, but still needa start on homework tommorow due on Wednesday!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

St. Patricks

Some pictures from the iPhone, need to upgrade my camera to a DSLR! This week got me busy on midterms and everything, hopefully my assignments were good enough. Today, I had the chance to head to downtown for the Irish festival/parade. I have never seen so much green in my whole life, haha. Well it was a tight experience, I never really been to a parade, or maybe i did but can't remember right now? I haven't even seen hella people at once in a long time too, civic center was pretty packed. It was good seeing people have fun at these types of events. Cultural events are always dope to go to. Probably finna hit up the Cherry Blossom at Japan town next month! Late.

Monday, March 9, 2009

A place to spend my quiet nights

Each day I learn about something new. I feel that I got a wide perspective on life and how it runs. First question is why do we live or more complex why do we die? I remember in class we had a discussion on how life is meaningless. This statement may seem a little vague, but a very good argument. Had me thinking about it, either we live as long as possible to make it worth living or find something worth dying for. Time to change, make everything seem better in my eyes, and hopefully everyones. Feels like a state of enlightenment. People change, we all make these decisions. In my opinion, our choices and decisions make us who we truly are. Our actions create our characteristics, what we do affect ourselves and our loved ones. The brain is really complicating to understand. We also talked about how sometimes our emotions like love is really something we create in our minds. Also an good argument, I mean some relationships first start off with love then the next day they can't stand each other. Their minds are caught up with this feeling that takes over and sometimes in the long run it doesn't work out. Well prove me wrong, but their are some people I feel that are in love, just need to look for that right one. Be open-minded. Plus one more thing, nobody can every be ugly, maybe unattractive to you, but bet a million bucks attractive to someone else. After visiting the cemetary since weeks due to the rainy weather, it was refreshing seeing you on Sunday, Grandpa. Your birthday is comming upin like a month, hope you can look after all of us as we grow, love and miss you. ONE LOVE.

Saturday, March 7, 2009


So, got my iPhone a few weeks ago and got really caught up with it after my cousin had jail broken it. I found some really great applications to downloaded and this Super Mario theme is crazy. On the lockscreen as you can see in the pictures, the background is set to that time of day. Didn't notice it for a while and when I found out, it was a trip. Haha also Super Mario theme comes with sounds when you lock or unlock the phone and Mario Dialer. Well i downloaded hella other applications, like games and with dope photography app. which is pretty much like photoshop but on the iPhone. Got to download Pocket God if you got an iPhone, this app. is pretty entertaining. I wasted so much of my GB on Applications and Movies that I downloaded, where as I don't have any songs. Haha needa delete some movies too, but pretty hard to choose which movie to remove! Got the choices of removing one of these movies; Juice, Juno, Love & Basketball, Pineapple Express, Poetic Justice, Slumdog Millionaire, Space Jam, Step Brothers, and Superbad. In my opinion all these movies are dope. PEACE!

Thursday, February 26, 2009


Back at it, it's been like a week since i wrote a blog. So to start it off, i actually had a good day. Woke up around 6 got ready headed to school by 8 for an appointment with my teacher at 8:45 but the problem with that was he wasn't there. Maybe he had something to do or forgot about it. However it could've been my fault too, maybe i worte down my wrong appointment date and time? Well tommorow I'm gonna talk to him and hopefully everything is gonna be cool. My whole day was basically based on basketball. Played ball at CCSF from like 12 to 1, then went to Palega from 1:30 to 4. After that went home to rest for like an hour. Then planned on going to Lakeview to play some more hoops but there was a game held there. Next place to go to was St. Mary's but that was also occupied with another game. Finally got to hoop at Glenn Park, after wasting like 30mins to an hour looking for a place to hoop. Glenn Park was PACKED! Played a few games and ended up leaving around 8ish. Seen hella familar peoples too but that was pretty cool. Overall i am satisfied with my day, most of the time i wished my days were like this! Don't you guys like it when you are under estimated and then show them otherwise? That feeling is amazing. Well ready to hoop again tommorow, home then watch a movie! Haha

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Some Thoughts

I started off my day pretty good by getting to school early and printing some papers out for my english class. First class for today was my math class, went smoothly but needa do homework in order to take the test to move on the next chapter. Problem is i have no book, so on test days during Tuesdays and Thursdays i do my homework with the booklet provided. Next class was my learn50 college success class, but that was cancelled! I was somewhat happy, but what was there to do? Haha, Chilling with some bros for a while, I needed to go to English class. Got split into groups and did some peer critiques on our essay. Last class of the day, and most interesting class is Astronomy. The discussion that caught my attention the most was when our professor talked about interesting points. She had stuck the idea in my head when she stated, "If anything would happen on earth, where as if someone was to find a another planet where we are capable of living in, but nearby are gamma rays that shine around that planet; would it be a wise choice to go there?" It would be crazy living in that place, because mainly gamma rays would blow us up into a million pieces, haha. It's crazy how mysterious space is, but very very interesting topics in astronomy. Time to head home!

While taking the 9x Bus back home, i was reading the newspaper and read about a dead man found at pier 28, police found it suspicous because "there was no visible sign of trauma 'or anything consistent with criminal activity'" the hell is happening man? homocide?suicide? idk but violence need to stop. I was told at CCSF, people was getting robbed at gun point. One cat got robbed for his iPhone! Money, money, money is controlling us man! We need to sit down and think, why rob someone when they should just find a job. Just being open minded, maybe they got a perfectly good reason why they do it but vice versa maybe they have the worst reason also. Check it them cats ain't the only ones broke, im like straight up broke too, really hard to find a job in SF. Maybe stores shouldn't hire people out of SF to work so more people in our communities will be able to work! In my eyes, jobs are usually given when people you know are able to hook it up.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Birthday Shoutouts

Alright, so got a few time on my hands so I wanna shoutout a happy birthday today to; My Pops, Little Brother, and the G.O.A.T Michael Jordan all born on Feb 17. Also some late birthday shoutouts to bestfriend Nhina, haha. The cousin Nino and Erwin, happy belated birthday yo, but aye happy birthday to all them February born cats.

First Post Bro

Alright, so first post! My days are getting more boring and wanted to try something new. It's pretty dope when you get to post whatever is on your mind. So for over a week on my mind was a Nikon D60 - 10.2MP Digital SLR Camera, but man it cost money, haha. Well I have decided to save up some cash and sell some kicks and try to get that beautiful object. Just got to work for it and wait for that time. Living in San Francisco, there are many places and things that catches my mind, which makes me want to take a picture. Photography is really getting interesting to me and I plan on taking photography at CCSF this summer or next semester after i get my digital camera.